
My teaching activities since 1999 have been as follows:
- 3 years at the University of Cologne as a French lecturer (teaching French as a foreign language), 1999-2002
- 3 years at the Bourgogne 
University-Dijon , 2002-2005 
- 3 years at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Departement of Applied Foreign Languages, 2005-2008 ;
- 14 years at the University of Paris-Sorbonne/Sorbonne université, in the Germanic and Nordic Studies Department, 2008-2022. 

Since September 2022, I have been teaching at the Université de Lorraine, UFR ALL, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. 

Overview of teaching at the UFR ALL of the University of Lorraine (Nancy):
German grammar and linguistics of the Bachelor  « Bilangue-biculture » (English-German) (1rst year to third year) - German grammar in BA Applied Foreign Languages (2nd year) – Translation studies in Master 1 Bilangue-Biculture (Translation and Cultural Tourism) - European seminar in German Linguistics in MA-1-Tourism and Translation (in collaboration with the universities of Copenhagen, Milan, Prague and Warsaw) - Cross-disciplinary seminar ‘Contrastive linguistics applied to translation’ in Master 2 Bilangue-Biculture - preparatory courses for German teaching qualification exam « Internal Agrégation » 

Overview of the teaching activites at the Department of Germanic and Nordic Studies at Sorbonne University (20008-2022):

The educational program at the German and Nordic Department includes both BA, Single and double degrees and MA-level : MA of the Arts (research-based), and MA Professional, majored in the German Linguistics, French-German translation as well as Master of Education. There are also exam preparation courses for French national exams; Internal Agrégation and External CAPES.

*German Grammar/ Modern Linguistics

- First year of BA: Lectures (CM) and Tutorials (TD) - Morphosyntax/ Contrastive Syntax
- Third year of BA: Lectures (CM) and Tutorials (TD) - Modern German Linguistics
- MA- Research-1st year of German Studies: Seminars in Modern German Linguistics
- 2nd semester: Lexical Creation, Neologisms, Youth Languages, Gender Linguistics
- MA 1st year-French-German Translation: Seminars in Modern Linguistics (French-German)
1st semestre: Textual Genres and discourse practices

Translation, French to/From German: (BA 1st and 2nd year: Tutorials)

* Contrastive Linguistics (French-German)

MA 2nd year “French-German Translation”, 1st semester, “Contrastive Linguistics applied to Translation”
- Professional Master of Intercultural Mediation and Translation in German-Nordic fields (MEGEN), “Intercultural Approach of texts”

*Preparatory courses for  German teaching qualification exams, CAPES (MA of Education) and Agrégation (internal and external)

Supervisor/ Advisor: 2008-... (PhD Dissertation, MA’s thesis, BA’s 3rd year’s thesis)

Cotutelle PhD / Joint Doctorate: 1 (with Friedrich-Alexander- University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)

MA (Research-based) 1st year: German Studies: 5
MA (Research-based) 1st year: German Studies: 4
MA of Arts 2nd year Majored in “French-German Translation”: 1
MA of Arts 2nd year: French-German Studies (Paris-Bonn): 2
MA of Education 1st year: Teaching: 3
MA of Education 2nd year: Teaching 1
Thesis of BA’s 3rd year (Bachelorarbeiten - Paris-Bonn Bi-Bachelor): 14



Université de Lorraine
Campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Nancy
UFR Arts, Lettres et Langues
23, boulevard Albert 1er
BP 60446
F-54001 Nancy
